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Blue Sky Brandon Loves Green


Blue Sky Brandon is certified green by the Florida Green Building Coalition for their Hi-Rise Residential Standard - A certification program specifically for buildings above three stories, it helps owners integrate proven and cost-effective green building strategies during the design and construction of their buildings.

Green Features:

​  Energy Performance is 23% more efficient than the current FL Energy Code.
ENERGY STAR Appliances in Units.
Low Flow Water Closets, Lavatory Faucets, Kitchen Faucets, and Showers in Units.
Brandon Palms promotes alternative modes of transportation:
Site is located within ½-mile walking distance of at least 15 basic services.
Site is located within ¼- mile walking distance of (2) HART Bus Routes.
Secure locations for bicycles have been provided.
Over 43% of the project site is dedicated to open space.
Smoke-Free Premises, with the exception of designated smoking areas.
Sustainable construction practices
Indoor Air Quality Management, During Construction – prevent indoor air quality
               problems resulting from construction process.
Low-Emitting Materials including adhesives and sealants, paints and coatings, and
               flooring systems were installed – improves indoor air quality.
Over 75% of construction waste diverted from landfill.
Commitment to green cleaning and green pest control practices
Over 30% of building materials, based on cost, incorporate recycled materials.
Over 50% of building materials, based on cost, were extracted and manufactured within
      700-miles of the project.


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