Blue Sky Brandon Loves Green
Blue Sky Brandon is certified green by the Florida Green Building Coalition for their Hi-Rise Residential Standard - A certification program specifically for buildings above three stories, it helps owners integrate proven and cost-effective green building strategies during the design and construction of their buildings.
Green Features:
• Energy Performance is 23% more efficient than the current FL Energy Code.
• ENERGY STAR Appliances in Units.
• Low Flow Water Closets, Lavatory Faucets, Kitchen Faucets, and Showers in Units.
• Brandon Palms promotes alternative modes of transportation:
– Site is located within ½-mile walking distance of at least 15 basic services.
– Site is located within ¼- mile walking distance of (2) HART Bus Routes.
– Secure locations for bicycles have been provided.
• Over 43% of the project site is dedicated to open space.
• Smoke-Free Premises, with the exception of designated smoking areas.
• Sustainable construction practices
– Indoor Air Quality Management, During Construction – prevent indoor air quality
problems resulting from construction process.
– Low-Emitting Materials including adhesives and sealants, paints and coatings, and
flooring systems were installed – improves indoor air quality.
– Over 75% of construction waste diverted from landfill.
• Commitment to green cleaning and green pest control practices
• Over 30% of building materials, based on cost, incorporate recycled materials.
• Over 50% of building materials, based on cost, were extracted and manufactured within
700-miles of the project.